b-guided > Barcelona

Art Customised Denim

Atelier des Jeunes for Pepe Jeans


Custom Studio is a customized denim service offered by the British brand first provided to its customers in September 2013 within Pepe Jeans’ two flagship stores located in Madrid and Barcelona. Now they’ve added to their catalogue of graphic motifs that can be laser printed onto denim, the designs created by the 15 young artists that make up the Atelier des Jeunes (www.atelierdesjeunes.com) which have been created exclusively for this project, in alphabetical order they are;  Alede Ariza, Ale Jarne, Antonio Uve, Cachetejack, Dirty 1984, David Méndez Alonso, Gorka Olmo, Javier de Riba, José Álvarez Pérez, Lara Costafreda, Pol Anglada, Unzitxo, Tiscar Espadas, Alfredo Costa and Carlos Sáez. 

With this initiative Pepe Jeans London Custom Studio give customers the chance to personalise their denim with studs and details in different finishes, distressed seams and other parts of the item in order to achieve a vintage look, write or highlight areas of fabric with indelible ink, and now they can stamp one of these young artists’ creations over any denim item, whatever part or whatever size they want. 

  • Artwork: Javier de Riba

  • Artwork: Tiscar Espadas

  • David Mendez Alonso

    Artwork: David Méndez Alonso

  • Aldeariza

    Artwork: Aldeariza

  • Cachetejack

    Artwork: Cachetejack

    “We are very proud to give our artists belonging to the Atelier des Jeunes the opportunity to realize their creations on the clothes of a brand like Pepe Jeans London, not only to increase the visibility of their work, a key objective of Atelier Des Jeunes, but also to bring art closer to people’s day to day lives. With the Custom Studio Pepe Jeans London our canvas becomes denim, the art becomes urban,  connected with street fashion  something that can be enjoyed and accessed by everyone,” according to Patricio Binaghi, founder of the Atelier des Jeunes.

  • Alfredo Costa

    Artwork: Alfredo Costa

  • Jose Alvarez Perez

    Artwork: José Álvarez Pérez

  • David Méndez Alonso

    Artwork: David Méndez Alonso

    Atelier des Jeunes is an online platform that provides support to young national talents. Born during the 80s or the 90s, the artists belonging to the Atelier des Jeunes represent a generation that has now arrived, they are the future of Spanish creativity with a personal view and unique take on things that going on around them. No two artists are the same; working with different techniques and formats, they include illustrators, multimedia artists, fashion photographers, story tellers, graphic designers, creatives, art directors and architects, but above all else they create.