b-guided > Barcelona

Roca Rules!

Congratulations to the Roca bros

By Brian Gallagher 14.02.13

At the vanguard of the rise and rise of Barcelona’s gastronomic trajectory over the last decade the Grupo Tragaluz has led the pack in culinary excellence, the incorporation of cutting edge interior design and the introduction of eclectic culinary options.  To mark the 10th anniversary of the Hotel Omm its gastronomic restaurant which boasts a Michelin star is reinvented both spatially and conceptually. The Roca brothers (Joan, Josep and Jordi of El Celler de Can Roca fame) who have acted as consultants to Moo since its beginnings have come up with a more laid back and ‘street’ culinary proposal that straddles high end gastronomy and more relaxed bar food option, Roca Moo and Roca Bar respectively. Occupying the ground floor of the hotel the redesign of the interior places a food servery at the centre with an enlarged bar counter within the lobby area and a landscaped courtyard at the rear with linen service restaurant overlooking.

Chef Felip Llufriu maintains his position as head chef while the tried an tested team of interior designer Sandra Tarruella Interioristas together with landscape architect Ana Esteve and fashion designer Josep Abril have re-imagined the aesthetic elements, layout, planting scheme and uniforms. Sophisticated and elegant but perhaps warmer and more welcoming than the previous design, the open plan nature of the space has been preserved but vertical elements like the shelving/storage unit and a more sombre colour scheme make it feel like an entirely new restaurant.

  • sandwich specials with side salad -made using the sandwich making machine invented by the Roca Bros. © Olga Planas

  • tapas and other snack options from the Roca Bar street food menu © Olga Planas

    The Roca Bar is a response to the ever changing customer demand, currently marked by a shorter lunch hour and a preference for shared food in the evenings, i.e. tapas, sandwiches and other street food options are served at the bar and within the lobby. Meanwhile Roca Moo offers a choice of seasonal, vegetarian and Joan Roca tasting menus, as well as a lunch time set-menu which is updated regularly during the year.

  • The new serving bar with storage unit behind. ©Olga Planas

  • View of the newly designed Roca Bar ©Olga Planas

  • Chef Felip Llufriu, Rosa Mª Esteva founder of the Grupo Tragaluz and Joan Roca. ©Olga Planas

  • Roca Moo
  • Martes a sábado de 13.30h a 16.00h y de 20.30h a 23.00h.
  • Domingo y lunes cerrado.
  • Menú de mediodía: 45 euros. Precio medio: 90 euros
  • Roca Bar
  • Abierto cada día de 13.00h a 01.00h.
  • Precio medio: 30 euros.
  • Hotel Omm
  • C. Rosselló, 265 08008 Barcelona
  • T. 34 93 445 4000