b-guided > Barcelona


A black-box space that recalls the classic golden age of 1970s night-clubs featuring the two pre-requisites for any great club: excellent cocktails and a powerful sound system. Music Club is an extension of the Ornina restaurant opened recently in the location previously occupied by Oliver y Hardy restaurant and boîte. Photographs of some of the 20th Century’s iconic music celebrities line the walls, banquette seating and a well stocked bar border the dance floor. It has a separate entrance and can operate independently from the restaurant.

Available for private functions Music Club opens to the public Thursday through Saturday, on Friday nights with the Fiesta Members Only, and on Saturdays with Friends Steam. Both nights aim to carve out a space on the crowded Barcelona nightlife agenda offering glamour and an intimate and select space which the owners felt was missing on the current scene. Check their web for upcoming events and programmes.


Ornina Music Club

Av. Diagonal, 593 int  08007 Barcelona 

T. 93 321 6432  www.ornina.es