b-guided > Barcelona

nombre : b-servedurl: en/noticias/b-served/paella-goes-pasta-thursdays-at-il-giardinetto-277.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Paella goes pasta!. Thursdays at Il Giardinettosummary: The renowned Italian restaurant has taken on board the traditional Thursday paella, substituting the rice for another key ...
nombre : b-servedurl: en/noticias/b-served/g-vine-cocktail-culture-272.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: G'Vine. Cocktail culturesummary: G'Vine, the French brand of gin that is distinguished by using grape spirit rather than grain and its associated infusion ...

G'Vine. Cocktail culture

G'Vine, the French brand of gin that is distinguished by using grape spirit rather than grain and its associated infusion ...


nombre : b-servedurl: en/noticias/b-served/ingredisimmo-cook-differently-267.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Ingredísimmo. Cook differentlysummary: An innovative new range of products aimed at the latent chef that lies within us all but which may every now and again may ...

Ingredísimmo. Cook differently

An innovative new range of products aimed at the latent chef that lies within us all but which may every now and again may ...


nombre : b-servedurl: en/noticias/b-served/celestial-x-2-arte-cielo-276.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Celestial x 2. Arte & Cielosummary: The renowned Dos Cielos one of Barcelona’s Michelin star restaurants located on the 24^th floor of the Hotel Me provides ...

Celestial x 2. Arte & Cielo

The renowned Dos Cielos one of Barcelona’s Michelin star restaurants located on the 24^th floor of the Hotel Me provides ...


nombre : b-servedurl: en/noticias/b-served/gourmet-cured-ham-shop-reserva-iberica-268.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Gourmet cured ham shop. Reserva Ibéricasummary: A brand new gourmet shop and tasting space “Reserva Ibérica” opened in the heart of Barcelona’s Eixample, an ...
nombre : b-servedurl: en/noticias/b-served/el-viatge-circular-jordi-herrera-manairo-262.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: El viatge circular. Jordi Herrera, Manairósummary: A mixed media sculpture exhibition taking place at the recently opened TekhnArt gallery on C. Balmes 74 within the /Eixample/ ...
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