b-guided > Barcelona


Eco speakers for phones and tablets

By Silvia Micolau 18.01.17

Javier Santamarina, the founder of the wireless Ecophonic speakers company, was impressed with the acoustic qualities found in caves when hiking around with friends once on holiday. “The sound was propagated with such exquisite clarity that that it was easy to hear someone talking softly from a long distance,” explains Javier. So “tired of batteries, cables, connections and inferior quality equipment I took out my notebook and pencil and started to sketch the cave amplifier.”

After that, the idea started to come together, he investigated sound boxes, materials and shapes, which are decisive for a quality sound, and began to manufacture the first “eco-phones”, which do not require an energy source: Ecophonic Uno for iPhone and Ecophonic One Universal for most smartphones, their operation is based on the amplification of music or voice within the cavity of the device, once the device is placed in the slot of the eco speaker. The volume increase oscillates between 10 and 15 decibels, between 2 to 4 times higher than the original input, depending on the frequency.

  • Ecophonic


  • Ecophonic
  • Ecophonic


    Made of wood sourced from FSC-certified sustainable forests like chestnut, cherry, walnut, beech, wenge and mongoy, chosen for their great resonant capacity and aesthetic qualities, and finished with beeswax and tung oil, which was followed by Nano Mini version and usable as a keychain), Retro (with vintage gramophone look and brass horn), Radio (for tablets and stereo) and Ola, new bet of this "sound laboratory of nature", as they like to define themselves, with A design inspired by the graphic line of sinusoidal waves and whose interior describes an exponential trajectory to improve in a very significant way the musical reproduction.

  • Ecophonic


  • Ecophonic


  • Ecophonic


  • Ecophonic

    Uno Universal