b-seen Technology
Barcelona based webs
Digital space versus physical space
The digital revolution is impacting on our physical environments in ways that we simply could not have dreamed about a few years ago. Resources like online shopping, Airbnb or even bicing have been made possible thanks to digital technologies. How we work, socialise and live in Barcelona is now inextricably linked to information technologies and social networks. Underlying this radical change is a new generation of webs that are connecting people in previously unthought of ways or providing services that could not have been readily done without the ubiquitous internet. Here we present some recently created webs that were either founded in Barcelona or have become popular here. Whether it be a home exchange service for designers (behomm) or converting one’s apartment into a restaurant for an evening (eat with) these highly specific services and resources are unlocking the potential of new connections between people in the physical world, reinforcing the urban experience by building connections between the physical and digital worlds.
A hide-away in Pantelleria, Italy - one of the house exchanges available at Behomm
Barcelona house belonging to n interior designer
House in Dublin owned by a product designer and a fashion designer
A house in Brooklyn, NY, USA
A home exchange website specifically for designers and visual artists founded by two graphic designers based in Barcelona. The idea is that relationships will be established during the exchange given that the people involved share similar professional and personal interests. All types of homes are included, apartments, houses, cabins which can be located in cities, towns and spectacular countryside. Much more than simply an exchange however the website is really designed to create a network across national boundaries for personal and work connections. Currently there are over 600 choices located in over 30 different countries around the globe. Membership is required and security is taken very seriously. The website alone is a great source of inspiration for home design and decoration.
A dinner served at Jorge Luis' house, Barcelona. "Eat With"
Scallops with truffles and edible flowers
Eat With
This is a peer-to-peer website for anyone who enjoys eating with friends or friendly people. Similar to Airbnb the idea is for registered users to invite people into their homes in this case to share a meal for an agreed financial contribution. The variety of the culinary offering is as varied as the users, everything one could possibly imagine, from sushi to Nikkei, vegan to carnivorous, Michelin Star chef to enthusiastic amateur. The website features specific options with dates, locations and prices which guests can choose from. Although there are several locations around Spain the most active city is Barcelona in terms of options.
Bibilu founder Enrico Sargiacomo and his pet dog
Three fans of website Bibilu
Se trata de una alternativa a las residencias caninas donde dejar la mascota, el hospedaje de mascotas en hogares particulares de amantes de animales. Los dueños de perros pueden registrarse en Bibulu.com y reservar servicios de hospedaje o paseos, sabiendo que sus perros estarán cubiertos por un seguro veterinario de urgencia y por supuesto, que su perro va a ser atendido por “pet lovers” acogedores y responsables. Entre los canguros de Bibulu, se encuentran: cuidadores de mascotas profesionales, dueños de perros con experiencia, profesionales que trabajan desde casa o simplemente amantes de los perros. Los "canguros" tienen la posibilidad de publicar sus anuncios en la página web de forma totalmente gratuita y así ser accesibles a una comunidad de dueños de perros que buscan alojamiento de total confianza y servicios para sus mascotas.
Railway Track Urban Development in Sants, Sergi Godia & Ana Molina Roca, 2012
Picasso Museum Annex, Barcelona - Jordi Garcés, 2011
Arxius d’Arquitectura a Catalunya
Arxius d’Arquitectura a Catalunya is an online project dedicated to promoting the architecture and design heritage of Catalonia. The web attempts to document and record the architectural and design heritage of Catalonia, with a special emphasis on the more anonymous, lesser known architects and design. AA has an extensive database that is updated constantly, with a presence on different social networks (facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram) which aims to become a resource for research and consultation as well as for the dissemination of the architectural heritage of Catalonia. The project is completely independent and self funded, AA is led by a group of architects with the collaboration of many professionals.
Some of the young creative talents + thier inspirational tutors. FFBCN
Future Factory BCN
Futur Fàbrica Barcelona is a project organized and disseminated online within the framework of the activities for the 1714 tercentenary celebrations, which considers the future of the city within a broader global context. Ten young talents will head ten projects inspired by the future, in ten different sectors. A web brings together the most relevant content related to the subject of future projects; news, interviews, quotes, etc. .. This platform aims to give a voice to young people, experts and citizens with one goal: future and creativity. The project includes a series of conferences and meetings to uncover and understand the keys to our future. The specific areas of investigation are: the arts, film, architecture and urbanism, information, education, work, food, relationships, community and tourism. Each sharing a clear approach through their concern with culture, creativity, technology and the web forming the keystones in each of the ten areas.