b-guided > Barcelona

Tatoo The Girl

Mutuo Centre de Arte

  • David Méndez Alonso

  • Jim Pluk

  • Gastón Reimers

Tatoo The Girl started off by accident as a simple sketch of a girl with no clothes on. The idea is pretty straightforward, anybody who feels like taking part can visit the www.tattoothegirl.com web and simply download the graphic and tattoo her according to taste and later upload to the same blog. Since its launch more than 500 artists from all around the world have participated and what started off as a simple tattooing session has been converted into a comprehensive and free interpretation of a drawing of a naked and tattooed girl which has enriched the project greatly. While ongoing the initiative is open to all.

The recently opened Mutuo Centro de Arte provides a young, independent and alterative voice on the Barcelona arts scene. Located in the Gotico area the building was previously used as a garage but was refurbished earlier this year, benefiting from tall ceilings, ample space, some period architectural details and central location the space is polyvalent and can be adapted to all types of events, performances and exhibitions.

  • C. Julià Portet, 5 bajos 1 & 2
  • 08004 Barcelona
  • T. 933923943