b-guided > Barcelona

Street Art, the city as gallery

El Pinzell de Cuixart 2016


Since the mid-90s the term Street Art or, more specifically, Post-Graffiti is used to describe the work of a diverse group of artists who have developed a mode of artistic expression in the streets by using various techniques (templates, posters, stickers, murals, graffiti ...) an approach to making art that has become very high profile around the world and is perceived as a 'school' or distinct artistic movement. Although perhaps not as developed in Barcelona as in other world cities where art forms part of the DNA the expression of Street Art in Barcelona is increasingly visible.

El Pinzell de Cuixart is conceived as a competition to promote emerging talents working within this sector which tends to be ignored by the official art establishment. The second edition of The Pinzell of Cuixart 2016 took place last week at the premises of Av-Drop in Barcelona, located in the Sant Andreu neighborhood. Twelve selected candidates competed for the award by painting a large canvas within a given timeframe, the overall winner was the artist Spok @spokbrillor. Recognised for his overall career Spok has been painting since 1989, his work has evolved over that time from his first ventures painting train carriages as they passed through the University of Fine Arts, to practicing an extraordinary realism, through neon characterisations, until the present time when his art is exhibited at high profile venues such as ARCO and other international art fairs.

  • El Pinzell de Cuixart
  • El Pinzell de Cuixart

    Work of Spok, the overall winner of the 2016 edition

    The event is organized by AV-Drop and the Fundación Cuixart. Both are involved with the setting up of the art management platform, URBANART.BARCELONA, http://urbanart.barcelona/ which works as an excellent partner for the development and adaptation of performances, happenings, road shows, mapping, video art and works as a tool for designing all kinds of events.

  • El Pinzell de Cuixart