b-guided > Barcelona


1st edition of contemporary documentary Cinema festival


Between November 30th and December 3rd Barcelona Dart will be taking place, the first festival that aims to bring contemporary art c loser to the general public through documentary cinema, and that will shine light on the artists themselves. As well as the processes o creation, research and the stories that lie behind.

The programme is organised around three thematic axes - contemporary art, photography and architecture, and the screening of ten documentaries, eight of which are being premiered in Spain, including the following: Julian Schnabel, A Private Portrait, narrates both his private and professional life, from the underground to neo-expressionism, of Julian Schnabel; Jaar, el lamento de las imágenes (the lament of the images), the first film about Chilean artist Alfredo Jaar, whose works deal with great conflicts on a world scale, with a soundtrack composed by his son, Nicolas Jaar; Mapplethorpe, Look at the Pictures, about the life of the American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, author of black and white images of flowers and nudes, often labelled as pornographic; Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back, biopic about the controversial Italian artist renowned for destroying existing accepted icons; Zimbelism, about the creative process of the New York Times documentary photographer George Zimbel, and Harald Szeemann: appunti sulla vita di un sognatore, about the curator, historian and Swiss artist, who converted curating into an art.

  • Maurizio Cattalan, "Be right back.."

  • D'Art Festival

    Mauritizio Cattalan, "Be right back ..."


    All of them will be presented by authorized voices, such as the film critic Quim Casas, the journalist specialized in plastic and visual arts, fashion and trends Laura Sangrà, the directors of the documentary dedicated to George Zimbel, Jean-François Gratton and Matt Zimbel, the architect Martín Garber, the artist, writer and film critic Marla Jacarilla, art curators Max Andrews and Mariana Canepa Luna, and the director of Dart, Enrichetta Cardinale.

  • D'Art Festival

    Eva Hesse


    The festival will also focus on the figure of the female artist, with four documentaries: Eva Hesse, a portrait of the post-minimalist sculptor, known for her pioneering work with materials such as latex, fiberglass and plastics; Leonora Carrington: The Lost Surrealist, the story behind the English surrealist painter made during the centenary of her birth; Citizen Jane, The Battle for the City about the battle between the planner who redesigned the metropolitan area of New York and the Canadian scientist and activist Jane Jacobs, who criticized the destruction of public spaces, and Tania Libre, about the Cuban performer Tania Bruguera, whose works deal with issues such as power and control, including clear references to censorship and repression in her country.

  • D'Art Festival

    Harald Szeemann, Appunti sulla vitadi un sognatore

  • D'Art Festival

    Alfredo Jaar, "El lamento de las imágenes"

  • D'Art Festival

    Julian Schnabel, "A private portrait"

  • D'Art Festival

    Robert Mapplethorpe, "Look at the pirctures"

  • D'Art Festival

    Robert Mapplethorpe, "Look at the pictures"