b-guided > Barcelona

Cyan Art Gallery

Les murs du temps

By Jordi Campo 22.11.13

A new cultural/art gallery space has just recently opened in the Borne neighbourhood aimed at the production and promotion of national and international pictorial contemporary art. Located directly in front of the Born Centre Cultural, where the Mercat del Born has been recently been converted into a public exhibition space featuring archaeological ruins dating from the 14th through 18th Century.

Cyan gallery is directed by its founder Ana Zaragoza and artistic director Olivier Collet. As well as offering a space for cultural exchange between professionals working in the sector the gallery also aims to provide a platform for contemporary art collectors assisted by its personalised team of consultants. This ‘added value’ service is possible thanks to the professional career trajectories of both directors who have been had extensive experience working on the international art sector.

  • Michelle Weinbery, Cornershop. Gouache on paper with handemarbleised paper. 2013, 99 x 68.6cm

  • General view of the gallery

    Paul Virilio the renowned French architectural and urban theorist provides the inspiration for the first art exhibition at Cyan, who describe the themes defining these works, “Paul Virilio uses the expression ‘mur du temps’ meaning barrier or literally wall-of-time to define this situation that we are facing with the absolute and uncontrollable immediacy of information, which causes amnesia and immobility and predicts the progressive establishment of a radical dystopia.

    These issues associated with memory, the human legacy and the acceleration, not only of history but also of reality, provide the focus of Cyan Gallery exhibition, which is supported by environment research, artistic and architectural image and their relationship with our assumptions about time.”

  • Aggtelek. Tiki Room. 120 x 180 cm

  • Quim Cantalozella. Goodbye Africa. Oil on canvas, 120 x 150cm - 2013


    Featuring the work of artists; Quim Cantalozella, Aggtelek, Pere Llobera,  Mercedes Mangrané, Michelle Weinberg and Santiago Talavera dan contenido a la exposición inaugural de la galería: Les murs du temps (The Walls of Time). This exhibition features several shared themes where the artists explore the relationship of time with human activity and feelings of deja vu and melancholy.

  • The exhibition is on display until January 24th 2014.
  • Fusina 5, 08003 Barcelona
  • T. 93 2504 066
  • www.cyangallery.com