b-guided > Barcelona

nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/vv-aa-displays-of-affection-ii-imagine-the-future-galeria-estrany-de-la-mota-877.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: VV.AA. Displays of Affection II: Imagine the Future. Galeria Estrany-de la Motasummary: /Displays of Affection II: Imagine the Future/ uses the methodologies of dialectical conflict, in which new ideas emerge from ...
nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/after-the-end-of-the-world-an-essay-on-the-climate-crisis-870.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: After The End of the World. An essay on the climate crisissummary: An exhibition about the Earth of 2017 irreversibly transformed into the Anthropocene planet after two centuries of human ...
nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/valerio-muscella-haraket-867.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Valerio Muscella. Haraketsummary: Valerio Muscella (Rome, 1985) has spent almost two years in Turkey, host country of Syrian refugees, following their routes, ...
Docfield Barcelona 2017

Valerio Muscella. Haraket

Valerio Muscella (Rome, 1985) has spent almost two years in Turkey, host country of Syrian refugees, following their routes, ...


nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/sampler-2-this-is-mail-art-871.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Sampler #2. This is Mail Artsummary: /Sampler #2. This is Mail Art/ brings together a series of contents from the MACBA Archive relating to artistic practices ...

Sampler #2. This is Mail Art

/Sampler #2. This is Mail Art/ brings together a series of contents from the MACBA Archive relating to artistic practices ...


nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/andy-warhol-the-mechanical-art-869.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Andy Warhol. The mechanical artsummary: The exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Museo Picasso in Málaga, highlights the way in which Andy Warhol ...

Andy Warhol. The mechanical art

The exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Museo Picasso in Málaga, highlights the way in which Andy Warhol ...


nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/juan-esteban-sandoval-who-builds-the-city-866.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Juan Esteban Sandoval. Who builds the city?summary: Work –understood as a crucial issue to reflect on the human condition in the contemporary city– is the basis for this ...
b-inspired object(model_seccionNoticia)#53 (9) { ["_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["_nombre"]=> string(10) "b-inspired" ["_subtitulo"]=> string(3) "Art" ["_color"]=> string(7) "#0098a1" ["_nombreUrlSeo"]=> string(10) "b-inspired" ["_temaLocalId"]=> NULL ["_temaLocal"]=> NULL ["_temaNoticiaCollection"]=> NULL ["_seccionNoticiaBannerCollection"]=> NULL }
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