b-guided > Barcelona

nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/ernest-zacharevic-montana-gallery-barcelona-455.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Ernest Zacharevic. Montana Gallery Barcelonasummary: Ernest Zacharevic (1986) a.k.a. Zach is a Lithuanian pop artist who has been residing over recent years in Southeast Asia. ...
nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/bikeriders-uptown-danny-lyon-fundacio-foto-colectania-422.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Bikeriders & Uptown, Danny Lyon. Fundació Foto Colectaniasummary: Fundació Foto Colectania presents "The Bikeriders" and "Uptown", two of the most important photographic series produced by ...
nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/joan-rom-bruno-olle-antagonistic-proposals-at-fundacio-sunol-399.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Joan Rom / Bruno Ollé. Antagonistic Proposals at Fundació Suñolsummary: Fundació Suñol hosts a monographic exhibition by* Joan Rom *(Barcelona, 1954) going on till January 25th 2014. Under the ...
nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/born-blue-blueproject-foundation-451.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Born Blue. Blueproject Foundationsummary: Blueproject Foundation is a new cultural space recently opened in the Born neighbourhood located within a former ...

Born Blue. Blueproject Foundation

Blueproject Foundation is a new cultural space recently opened in the Born neighbourhood located within a former ...


nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/charlotte-von-poehl-arlequines-419.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Charlotte von Poehl. Arlequinessummary: /"Irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically."/ Sol LeWitt   The contemporary design showroom ...

Charlotte von Poehl. Arlequines

/"Irrational thoughts should be followed absolutely and logically."/ Sol LeWitt   The contemporary design showroom ...


nombre : b-inspiredurl: en/noticias/b-inspired/cyan-art-gallery-les-murs-du-temps-378.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Cyan Art Gallery. Les murs du tempssummary: A new cultural/art gallery space has just recently opened in the Borne neighbourhood aimed at the production and promotion of ...

Cyan Art Gallery. Les murs du temps

A new cultural/art gallery space has just recently opened in the Borne neighbourhood aimed at the production and promotion of ...


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