b-guided > Barcelona

Xai, Sidetable

Salvador Dalí, BD Barcelona


Xai is a further chapter in the long tradition of BD’s reproductions of Salvador Dali’s furniture which started with the Sofa in the form of lips, installed within the Sala Mae West at the Teatro Museo in Figueres which I designed with the master in 1975.

BD would later go on to reproduce additional furniture and lamps. Ideas were taken from Dalí’s own drawing projects and paintings. This is the case with the Xai. Taking its inspiration from the painting, “Proyecto de interpretación para un establo-biblioteca” (Interpretation Project for a stable-library) featuring a side table in the shape of a lamb with its characteristic Dalí drawer. BD benefited from the support and expertise of Deyrolle, the Parisien taxidermist who maintained an intense relationship with Salvador Dalí when he was alive (many of Dalí’s pieces; bears, lions, lobster, swans were produced by Deyrolle). As well as the exceptional taxidermy work, the craftsmanship of the drawer unit and the bronze feet are also beautifully executed.

With the approval of the Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí, BD has decided to launch a limited edition of twenty white lambs, and one unique version in black. Naturally, as each piece is unique, each Xai table is in reality a one-of unique piece.

Oscar Tusquets

  • xai