b-guided > Barcelona

A stand for the Sant Antoni Market

Marta Alonso design

By Brian Gallagher 13.02.19

Interior design, graphics and food come together at the Torres family stand within the recently refurbished San Antonio Market by Revetllat Ribas architects in Barcelona in the eponymous neighbourhood. Selling olives and conserves the family have been part of the market since 1933. Marta Alonso who is both an interior and a jewellery designer was commissioned to create the new stand for this busy market that can genuinely be said to be an authentic neighbourhood market. The products and the location provided all the inspiration.

The main element of the stand tat occupies a corner location is the 14 m long ‘façade’ which acts as display window and workspace for the employees. The organic and healthy nature of the products on sale together with the requirement for impeccable hygienic conditions informed the materials used for the design; timber, marble, terrazzo and glass. The colourful sign above the stand features water colour motifs of the various products on sale below. Alonso describes the final resolution as a close collaboration between the Torres and her own design skills, where her own predilection for jewellery is clearly visible in this beautifully resolved and simple project.

  • Marta Alonso Olives Torres

    © Roc Isern

  • Marta Alonso Olivers Torres
  • Marta Alonso Olivers Torres