b-ing Design
Common to all living creatures sleep occupies almost one third of our entire lives, without it we simply cannot survive. While all other areas of human activity have been subjected to endless analysis scientists know relatively little about sleep, what function does it serve, its evolutionary significance, its contribution towards our overall health. If we don’t get enough however the effects of sleep deprivation are all too evident.
Fluttua, Bed Structure by Lago www.lago.it
Within the contemporary home the bedroom is the dedicated environment for sleep, the bedroom as we understand it today is a relatively new concept however. Our medieval ancestors tended to sleep in communal spaces that were anything but conducive to a good night’s sleep. Often shared with livestock in unhygienic circumstances our modern day notions of privacy, security and comfort only emerged with the advent of the industrial age. The bed as a piece of furniture is key to restorative sleep and therefore our overall welfare yet it is often overlooked and not exploited to its full potential. Perhaps because of its lesser visibility as an outward symbol of our taste and sensibility, whatever the reason despite the time it occupies the bed is often an overlooked essential furniture item.
A new shop has recently opened in Barcelona dedicated exclusively to bed retail: Hästens, the renowned Swedish brand with the blue checked fabric. A number of other furniture shops have also woken up to our increasing interest in all things sleep related, established and new showrooms such as Arkitektura, Muji, Lago and En Linea Barcelona featuring designer furniture and accessories catering to all tastes and budgets. Hästens has specialised in bed manufacture since 1852, they is currently sold in over 23 countries.
When José Castillo (country manager for Spain, Portugal and Andorra) visited their most recently opened shop in Barcelona on C. Ganduexer, the second in Spain we had a chance to learn more. “There are different cultures of sleep, in countries like Holland there is a more advanced culture of sleep that focuses more on comfort, here in Spain the trend has been more towards a hard sleeping surface, doctors used to recommend sleeping on a hard bed for the back. Nonetheless what the body needs is the support of a mattress, not too soft nor too hard.” Prices range from 3.500 Euros for a standard model to 60.000 Euros (the Vividus model). All their bed products come with a twenty year guarantee.
The benefits of sleep should be celebrated; the selection of beds, accessories, auxiliary furniture and sofa beds within this article reflect a growing concern with this condition upon which so much else depends.
Vividus Bed by Hästens www.hastens.com
Charles, by B&B Italia. Available at: En Línea Barcelona
Strips, by Arflex. Available at: Arkitektura
Sussex Complete Bed System by Punt Mobles
Tattomi by Wikinsa
Col.leto by Lago