b-guided > Barcelona

Memòries Portàtils

Itinerant Memories Sala Vinçon

By Brian Gallagher / Flores Prats 18.01.13
  • Memóries portàtils. Luggage of a young architect.

    © Àlex García

  • View of the exhibition

    © Àlex García

  • © Àlex García

Architectural exhibition featuring the work of final year students (2010-2012) from the Escola Tècnica Superiro d’Arqitectura de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Container and contained provide the focus for 7 separate proposals which celebrate the materiality of memory, working process and inspiration. Curated by Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats together with Eugenia Troncoso, Oriol Valls and Guillén Augé.

To collect and present the material with which we do things, valuing it without the transitive character of inspiration, that is always from or towards something, but to recognise its material character, of thing, identical at any moment of a process. The working material has character in itself, independent of any further use. A project is the sum of all these materials. Thus a project can be explained by the materials that have been produced for its construction.

The working material produced during a final thesis year is collected and stored by each of the students in a big container, designed in conjunction with the projects stored within. It is not about simple boxes, but containers of thoughts and knowledge that have been collected over the academic year and must not be forgotten. These containers accumulate documents of different natures: maps, drawings, collages, sketches, models, writings, books … When opened and revealed by its authors, the sequence of documents and artefacts accommodated within matches the narration of the projects, becoming a scenographic support for the representation of the work.

  • From 17 January to 09 February
  • Sala Vincon
  • Passeig de Gràcia 96, 08008
  • www.vincon.com
  • Students: Magda Barceló, Marc Casanova, Albert Guerra, Fran Hernández, Joan Sanz, Glòria Saus i Maria Pilar Sánchez.