b-guided > Barcelona

nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/persian-nights-1428.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Persian Nightssummary: Renowned for its culture of hospitality, Iran has seen a blossoming of unique, stunning hotels in the last years.

Persian Nights

Renowned for its culture of hospitality, Iran has seen a blossoming of unique, stunning hotels in the last years.


nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/lynk-co-chat-with-you-1371.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Lynk & Co. Chat with yousummary: Lynk & Co's Barcelona club will offer in March a series of free talks on feminism and racism.

Lynk & Co. Chat with you

Lynk & Co's Barcelona club will offer in March a series of free talks on feminism and racism.


nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/vipp-much-more-than-a-watsebin-1336.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Vipp. Much more than a watsebinsummary: The Danish brand's iconic bin has paved the way for kitchens, housewares and furniture.
nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/explore-spa-by-le-meridien-mediterranean-experience-1389.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Explore Spa by Le Méridien. Mediterranean Experience summary: The Explore Spa by Le Meridien experience isn’t just about the treatments and therapies, but everything that surrounds it, ...
nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/for-a-comfy-winter-1357.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: For a comfy wintersummary: The cold has finally arrived, and with it the time to enjoy the everyday pleasures of a winter comme il faut.

For a comfy winter

The cold has finally arrived, and with it the time to enjoy the everyday pleasures of a winter comme il faut.


nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/an-extra-ordinary-august-some-suggestions-1329.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: An extra-ordinary August. Some suggestionssummary: Mundana is a refuge from everyday life, these six proposals for a summer out of the ordinary are inspired by it.
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