b-guided > Barcelona

Design for living

99 projects for the real world


The new potential offered by Barcelona’s Design Museum in terms of exhibition layout and space is fully exploited with this interesting new exhibition that considers design from a practical rather than a strictly aesthetic point of view. Applied design rather than design as simply an end in itself. Design for Life is accommodated within the main exhibition space on the lower ground floor of the building and is free to access for the general public.

The exhibition brings together 99 projects that provide solutions to day-to-day problems. A shopping trolley that incorporates an electric motor which can be pushed around effortlessly. A drone that has been designed to extinguish forest fires helping to protect fire fighters and pilots. A drip which has been made child friendly by adding the colour orange and two smiling eyes. The reach and complexity of these three objetcs cannot be compared but they do share one essential feature: they have been conceived to make lives easier.

Commissioned by Òscar Guayabero, Design for Living emphasizes contemporary and practical projects, focusing on designs which are creative, innovative, socially implicated, often featuring remarkable technological advances, but not necessarily, that often go un-remarked within our daily lives.

  • Òscsar Guayabero

    Òscsar Guayabero, exhibition curator

  • Design for living

    Flox I, non manned hydroplane

    Design is a fully integrated aspect of our lives. We live in a world that is constructed largely by the efforts of people, in which design as a product of the human mind, is so completely assimilated that it is goes un-remarked. Design however allows us to continually resolve serious problems of great social impact.

  • Design for living

    Windows socket

    This exhibition focuses on those aspects of design that aim to improve the daily lives of end users, the environment in which they operate and society to which they belong. It also attempts to show the key role design can play in terms of finding solutions to diverse problems and improve the general welfare of citizens, both in our immediate context and in more distant geographical regions. Similarly, the exhibition highlights how design can radically alter our daily reality, and in so doing improve societal conditions generally.

  • Design for living

    Detachable wheel for converting push bike into an electric bike

    There are six over arching themes which share a common thread, linked by the span of human life from the cradle to the grave: design for connecting / design to educate / design to heal / design to protect / design and accessibility / design and sustainability.

  • Design for living

    High tech alternative for tarditional plaster casts

  • Design for living

    Device for detecting unexploded land mines

  • From 19 February to 17 May
  • Museu del Disseny Barcelona
  • Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38 BCN 08018
  • Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
  • Edificio Disseny Hub Barcelona
  • Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38
  • 08018 Barcelona
  • telf. 93 256 68 00
  • www.museudeldisseny.cat