b-guided > Barcelona

Coves dels Hams


  • A bar built-into the landscape

A lush botanic garden marks the entrance to the ‘Cuevas dels Hams’ (Majorca) where a striking backlit 10m long glass bar is positioned partly indoors and partly outdoors straddling a rectilinear surround concrete envelope inserted into the landscape contrasting with the organic forms of the caves.  
The green glass bar counter provides a foil to the weight and opacity of the rock differentiated from its surroundings thanks to the fact that it is lit from within, which also helps any disorientated visitors to find their way around here at night. The light emitted by the bar together with the indirect lighting fitted around the rocks is enough to illuminate the whole entrance area to the cave complex.  Featuring green tones which compliment the predominant colour of the abundant vegetation and generating an interesting dialogue between the natural and the artificial.