b-ing Architecture
Can Ribas, Palma
Competition winning urban regeneration project for the La Soledat area of Palma, Majorca consisting of a new main square, the conservation of the existing industrial heritage, the provision of future social housing and other public spaces. The Can Ribas factory complex was built in 1851 producing woollen blankets, the buildings were provisional in nature and after the abandonment of textile production in the 1970s the area went into decline. A master plan prepared by Joan Busquets in 2003 earmarked part of the complex for housing and also listed the industrial chimney for conservation while the remainder was to be demolished. In developing the competition winning project, however, the most valuable heritage elements have been recovered and will be integrated into the urban surroundings. A system of open public spaces and raised platforms serves to create a visual and physical connection between the new C. Brotad and the historic elements of the Can Ribas factory generating a richer, more complex public realm.
- Espacios urbanos en Can Ribas.
- Urban spaces and industrial heritage
Jaime J. Ferrer Forés, estudio de arquitectura. - www.ferrerfores.com