b-guided > Barcelona

nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/solar-architecture-endesa-pavilion-120.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Solar Architecture. Endesa Pavilionsummary: A curious multi-faceted timber box fitted with solar panels located on the quay at Marina will be in place for the next 12 ...

Solar Architecture. Endesa Pavilion

A curious multi-faceted timber box fitted with solar panels located on the quay at Marina will be in place for the next 12 ...


nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/room-with-a-view-mediterranean-suites-116.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Room with a view. Mediterranean Suitessummary: The first of an intermittent series of articles that will consider some of the more interesting hotel rooms located in ...
nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/pop-arch-84.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Pop Archsummary: *One of the more positive legacies of the last decade is the number of quality public buildings that have been constructed in ...

Pop Arch

*One of the more positive legacies of the last decade is the number of quality public buildings that have been constructed in ...


nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/spainlab-venice-architecture-biennale-2012-117.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Spainlab. Venice Architecture Biennale 2012summary: Taking place between August 29th and November 25th this, the 13^th edition of the Venice Architecture Biennale includes ...
nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/buddabag-21st-century-furniture-104.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Buddabag. 21st Century Furnituresummary: Consider all the pieces of furniture that are inevitably found in any contemporary  home (wherever it may be); sofa, table ...

Buddabag. 21st Century Furniture

Consider all the pieces of furniture that are inevitably found in any contemporary  home (wherever it may be); sofa, table ...


nombre : b-ingurl: en/noticias/b-ing/enhanced-reality-estiluz-new-ipad-application-82.htmlfotoURL : /imagen.html?filename=upload/noticias/&w=300title: Enhanced Reality. Estiluz new iPad application summary: Recently presented at Barcelona’s emblematic Biosca & Botey Showroom an application that allows lamp fittings to be ...
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