b-guided > Barcelona


Design Gallery

Founded in 2011, il·lacions design gallery is the first of its kind dedicated exclusively to 21st century collectible design made in Barcelona. Its aim is to create value and give visibility to its more than 60 participating creators by showing their furniture, objects, unique pieces, or limited series, in temporary exhibitions, international fairs and in its permanent collection.
HIGHLIGHT: il·lacions also develops projects related to design and creativity, contributing all the collective intelligence to private projects as well as to spin-off projects of the gallery. Other areas of activity include exhibit curation, singular interior design projects, collection consultancy, furniture and object edition and production, R&D, book publishing and design residencies.
RECOMMENDED: The next exhibitions “Dissident Mater” by Cris Noguer, “Garriris chair” by Javier Mariscal (recovery and restoration project by Goodgoodstefano), “DOTTOD AI” by Jana Tothill and Pietro Rustici, and “Body of work” by Cristian Herrera Dalmau.

  • La Rambla, 130 principal

    08002 (Gòtic) Gòtic


    T. +34 93 818 97 44

  • L1 L3 Plaça de Catalunya
  • Mon–Thu: 12pm–2pm + 5pm–8pm
    Fri: 12pm–2pm
    and by appointment
  • info@illacions.com
  • www.illacions.com