b-guided > Barcelona

Il Giardinetto

Mediterranean cuisine. Specialising in Pasta

OFFERRING: mediterranean cuisine with an emphasis on Italian gastronomy. The opening hours allow customers the possibility to enjoy a late afternoon or dine well into the small hours. HIGHLIGHT: its gastronomy is an authentic homage to pasta where the menu is dedicated to this wonderful and versatile food and is all home made right here on the premises. INTERIOR: designed by Alfonso Milá and Federico Correa. Recreates a garden with verdant tree canopies, the painted columns become trunks and the ceiling is converted into a leafy network of branches. The green carpeting, using different tonal shades, covers both the floors and walls. Awarded a Premio FAD for interior design in 1974. Recently renovated on the ground floor, cocktail bar with bar counter now opening onto street. RECOMMENDED: drop in to have a drink after a theatre or film. Look out for regularly organised special events that include well known personalities taking over the kitchen and setting the menu. PRICE 45 Eur.

  • C. La Granada del Penedès, 22

    08006 Sant Gervasi-Galvany


    T. 93 218 75 36

  • FGC - Gràcia
  • Mon-Thu: 1.30PM-4PM + 8PM-1AM Drinks: 2AM
    Fri: 1.30PM-4PM + 8PM-1.30AM Drinks: 3AM Sat: 8PM-1.30AM Drinks: 3AM
  • www.ilgiardinetto.es