Hairdressers, beauty consultants and salon
INTERIOR: elegant and minimalist designed by Florencio Palencia, featuring large-scale mural photos by Manuel Outomuro. HIGHLIGHTS: careful, personal and professional attention. Team directed by Jose Juan Guzman, hairdresser and habitual makeup artist for photo-sessions with fashion magazines such as Marie Claire, El País, or Elle Japan and image advisor to models and celebrities. Winner of Cosmobelleza’s Premio Despuntan 2009. PRODUCTS: Ghd, Ella Bache, Redken. RECOMMENDED: their anti-stress treatments, full bodied cuts, less layering and natural colours.
d’en Bot, 4
08002 Gòtic
T. 93 342 63 39
- L3 - Liceu
- tue-sat: 10AM-8PM